Free Indicator Download
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All studies are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The studies provided by ABC Trading Group are for demonstrational purposes only. Using any study in any other manner is at your own risk.
You may share all studies freely, as long as the copyright notice is included. We would like to encourage you to include a link to the original free indicator download source in case you post them anywhere. This way it’s ensured that other users can always access the latest revision in case of an update.
The studies might be contained within a ZIP-archive that needs to be unpacked first. After that you can import the study into your Multicharts. You can use any program that is able to unpack ZIP-archives. In case you don’t have a ZIP program, we recommend the free open source software 7Zip. Which you can download here.
This free indicator download section should also give you an idea of our coding abilities as EasyLanguage Programmer. If you have questions or a project idea, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Value Area Indicator and Function For Multicharts
Volume and TPO Value Area Indicator and Function Latest Update: Version 1.04 - 2019-07-04 This indicator tracks the volume at each price and the Time Price Opportunity (TPO) count for the chart it is [...]
TPO Chart Unstacked
Unstacked TPO Chart Indicator Latest Update: Version 1.02 - 2018-12-28 A TPO chart offer a different, yet powerful way for performing market analysis. You have probably seen the stacked version of a TPO chart [...]
Swing High Swing Low Text
Swing High Swing Low Text Latest Update: Version 1.04 - 2018-12-27 The study displays the high and low of the chart swing high and swing low based on a retracement ticks input. The file [...]
Midpoints Study
Midpoints Study The Midpoints study tracks the extremes of the day or a custom session between a start and end time. Bases on the high and low extremes, three Midpoints are calculated: Daily Midpoint [...]
Floor Trader Pivots
Floor Trader Pivots Latest Update: Version 4.03 - 2018-12-27 In 2007 we posted the first revision of the ABC Floor Trader Pivots on the Multicharts forum. Since then it has spread widely across the [...]